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Surgery Aftercare Resources

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What's in a Surgery Pack?
Essential and optional items to aid in your recovery
Hygiene & General Care
- 2 packs of baby wipes
- Deodorant
- Dry shampoo
- Reusable hot & cold pack
Top Surgery
Wound Care & Scar Healing
- Hibiscrub
- Surgical micropore tape
- Silicone scar sheets
- Emollient (E45)
- Moisturizer (diprobase/doublebase/hydromol)
- Coconut oil/Almond old
- Bio-oil
- A spare post-op binder
Lower Surgery
Wound care, douching & scar healing
- Disposable cotton pads/reusable pads
- Baby lotion
- Large maxi pads
- Kelo-cote
- Hibiscrub
- Sterile saline solution
- Aquesous Fresh cream
- Femfresh sensitive skin intimate wash
Lower Surgery
- Puppy pads
- KY jelly
- A small, hand-held mirror
- Soul Source dilators
Comfort & Convenience
- Bendable drinking straws
- Back scratcher
- Litter-picking stick
- Long-lead phone charger
- Lap tray
- High-protein snacks
- Sweets
Bedding & Clothes
- Travel pillow (neck pillow)
- Wedge pillow

For Top Surgery
- V-shaped pillow
- 4 pillowcases for the V-shaped pillow
- 2 button-up shirts
- 1 zip-up hoodie

For Lower Surgery
- Donut pillow
- 6 pillowcases for the donut pillow
- Soft, loose pyjama bottoms
Everyone's journey to healing is different and you should always follow the advice given to you by your care team.
Good luck with your recovery!

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How can i apply for a surgery grant?

You can apply for a surgery grant through our general grants fund here. For more information about how to apply, click here.